My 70's TV Childhood
A celebration of growing up in Britain in the 1970's and the huge part TV played in our lives. You can comment on episodes, suggest subjects for future podcasts and, of course, share your memories with us on our blog www.my70sTVchildhood.com
My 70's TV Childhood
The Quiz #29
Welcome to another episode of My 70’s TV Childhood, the podcast where we take a nostalgic look back at the television and memories of growing up in 1970s Britain. Today, we bring you quiz number 29, filled with questions about the TV shows, characters, and actors who defined our childhoods. It’s an Octoberfest special, so expect to encounter some iconic figures linked to the month of October.
This quiz will test your knowledge across several rounds, starting with our Octoberfest Round. We’re celebrating the birthdays of some unforgettable TV stars born in October, including Brian Blessed, Bob Hoskins, Roger Moore, and Michael Gambon—guaranteed to stir memories of classic 70s television.
Next, we move on to the Marathon - Fil Rouge Round, revisiting some of the TV shows we’ve discussed in previous episodes. With questions on Rentaghost, Mr. Benn, Rainbow, Follyfoot, and Crackerjack or CRACKERJACK!!!!! - well that's the way it sounds in my head.
Then, it’s time for the Spin the Wheel/Name That Tune Round, featuring questions on theme tunes from 1978! You might remember the tune, but can you name the show?
Finally, our TV Times Round will test your knowledge of classic 70s TV in a big way.
Don’t miss the Bonus Question this week! In 1975, ITV released a sitcom set in Liverpool about a sailor who returned home after two years at sea. It starred Ken Jones, alongside Alison Steadman and a young Keith Chegwin. It was so poorly received that the final episode was never aired. What was it called?
We’d love for you to get involved in our Christmas Quiz this year—submit your quiz questions at quiz@my70stvchildhood.com and don’t forget to share your scores with us on social media or by email.
Thanks for listening!
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